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What is the role of silicone cell phone case manufacturers' cell phone cases?

Like most things, the liquid silicone bracelet will become old and dirty after a long time. So how do we usually clean? Let me introduce you to the following, for reference only.

1. Clean water: the silicone bracelet is dirty, the simple and effective method is to rinse with clean water;

      2. Wet cloth: If the silicone wristband is not very dirty, you can wet it with a clean cloth, wring it to dry or dry it, and then use the cloth to clean the surface of the silicone wristband;

      3. Toothpaste: If the silicone bracelet is accidentally stained with stains or oil stains, you can use a moistened soft toothbrush to scrub with toothpaste, then rinse it with clean water, then wipe the water with a napkin or soft cloth;

      4. Eraser: If the silicone wrist has sticky glue marks, you can use an eraser to remove the glue marks, then use a cotton swab to stick a little wind oil to wipe the glue marks for about a minute, and then gently wipe with a cotton swab to remove the glue Scarred

      5. Shower gel, washing liquid: directly wipe the liquid to the position to be cleaned, rinse it with clean water after sufficient friction.

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Liquid silicone products manufacturers, silicone mobile phone cover manufacturers, liquid silicone bracelets, liquid silicone medical accessories
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