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What is the role of silicone cell phone case manufacturers' cell phone cases?

Everyone must be familiar with mobile phone cases, and they ca n’t leave without holding it for a moment every day. So what does the silicone mobile phone case manufacturers tell you, besides using them on mobile phones, what other functions do they have? The following points:

       1. The silicone cell phone case can protect the cell phone to prevent hard objects from leaving scratches on the screen or body of the cell phone.

       2. Various colors can be printed on the phone cover, which has the effect of beauty! Beautiful and generous.

       3. The silicone sleeve can prevent nails from being scratched and worn out by long-term contact with the buttons, and has the function of protecting the screen and buttons.

       4. The silicone sleeve has a non-slip effect; and the feel quality is very good.

       5. The Apple mobile phone case also has the function of enhancing the signal, because some mobile phone shells contact with the metal to form a magnetic field that interferes with the mobile phone signal. Putting an insulating mobile phone case on the mobile phone can enhance the signal.

       6. The silicone cell phone cover can play a role in shock and shock absorption when the mobile phone is accidentally dropped, protecting the mobile phone from being bumped.

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